
To place an order for delivery please call the store at 239-543-2904.
Online orders are for pick up only, there is no longer a delivery option.
The delivery fee will be calculated before you pay at checkout.
Monday: SR-31, Punta Gorda, Arcadia.
Tuesday: North Fort Myers, Cape Coral.
Wednesday: Alva, Buckingham, LaBelle, Ortona.
Thursday: South Fort Myers
Friday: Naples, Bonita Springs
$50 delivery minimum.
$20 base delivery fee plus a 50¢ per mile *one way* fuel surcharge!
**Animals MUST be put up or stalled. If they cannot be stalled or moved away from delivery site, please have someone available to keep animals at bay. If no one is available and animals are not put up, delivery will be skipped.**
To place an order or get on our regulated schedule, please check out our delivery schedule and place your order 24-48+ hours in advance to ensure delivery ability.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me or call the store at any time!
239-543-2904 Store Phone